Meat processing plant in Moscow for product marking_TTP-2410MT
Leading meat-processing plant in Moscow region installs TSC printers for product marking 
Meat processing industry
Marking of raw materials and end products
TTP-2410MT Series 
A meat processing plant outside of Moscow was in need of a full-scale technology makeover given the wide range of products being processed, the large number of partners distributing those products, and the demand for reliability and minimization of errors. A label printing system is used at all stages of the production process: marking of inputs;
movement of products along the production line; during the thermal treatment process; prepacking; and packaging of the end product. It was a critical requirement to have printers located at the operator’s marking area.
The system met print quality requirements, but was characterized by a short service life, high maintenance costs and the frequent need to replace parts. In addition to higher maintenance costs, there were further losses due to reliability and downtime.
When selecting a new printing system, the customer required greater system availability to meet the operational requirements of the production line and the company. A solution satisfying this requirement was offered by TSC’s partner ABS Soft. MES by MEAT is a hardware and software package consisting of a major new release of their ERP system, a moisture-proof and impact-resistant industrial computer, and TSC’s printing system. The TSC 2410MT printer series met the operational needs by providing high productivity, reliability and ruggedness.
Currently, the TSC 2410МT printers are used at all 16 stages of the production process.
• Significant reduction in the total cost of ownership of the printing system.
• Seamless integration of the equipment within the company’s production line.
• Support of autonomous printing of multi-format labels to templates in accordance with the requirements of the largest retailers
• 100% software compatibility and easy programming
TTP-2410MT Printer Features:
The time-tested platform of the high-speed and robust TTP-2410MТ printer, features high productivity and supports heavy-duty workloads. A recent upgrade to the printer series includes the new Thermal Smart Control™ printhead technology in combination with a faster processor and upgraded firmware. The Thermal Smart Control™ technology allows the printhead to track and precisely calculate the time needed for each pixel to be heated in order to provide the most accurate and high-quality image transfer regardless of the number of labels being printed.
The large 4.3” LCD touch panel not only increases an operator’s productivity, but also allows fine-tuning and customization to meet customer requirements -- from managing the printing process to restricting the right of access to the equipment in the event of remote administration.
About REMIT:
The REMIT meat-processing plant was designed and built in 2001 in the city of Podolsk and is one of the largest and most advanced businesses in the Moscow Region. The production capacity of the company is designed for a 70-ton daily output. Today, the finished goods with the REMIT brand comprise 300 items of fresh and processed meat products distributed through the largest federal networks - a network of own outlets and through more than 1,500 partner retail outlets. The company’s output has repeatedly won medals at international quality competitions for meat products. 
Print-and-Apply Labeling for Round Vases_TTP-2410M Pro Series
Italian production-labeling company integrates TSC printers with its Pk-50 print-and-apply solution 
Food, Pharmaceutical, & Cosmetics Industries
Print-and-Apply Labeling for round Vases
Pk-50 Print-and-Apply Applicator
TTP-2410M Pro Series
The Italian company Packin Srl develops fully automated and semi-automated print-and-apply solutions for customers in the food, pharmaceutical and cosmetics industries. The company has used TSC printers for and with its Pk-50 applicator for the past years, citing the technically superior performance of the TSC brand for print-and-apply applications.
Packin Srl integrated its Pk-50 industrial labeling machine, equipped with a vase-roll ROTO 4-inch applicator, with TSC’s durable, high-performance TTP-2410M Pro Series industrial printer. The ROTO applicator features a simple-to-lower sponge-roller handle, which enables the PK-50, in a single cycle, to print and apply up to 1,000 self-adhesive labels (white, transparent or pre-printed labels) per hour to cylindrical glass containers ranging in diameter from 10 mm to 100 mm. Bolstering the Pk-50’s performance is the TTP-2410M Pro, which operates at print speed ups to 12 ips.
With the Pk-50’s "small vase" option, users can label containers as small as 30 to 40 ml. The Pk-50 applicator supports multiple label formats and print speeds, while offering a variety of print resolutions – 203 dpi, 300 dpi or 600 dpi.
• The operational simplicity, flexibility and build quality of the Pk-50 makes it is easy to install in small  and medium-size enterprises.
• The Pk-50 enhances the professional image of treated products through improved product labeling.
• The high-speed Pk-50 prevents production slowdowns in high-volume environments in which large  numbers of glassware items need to be labeled quickly.
• The Pk-50 can also be integrated with TSC’s economy-model TTP-246M Pro and TTP-344M Pro printers, which are ideal for small companies and manufacturers who require a high-performance  print-and-apply solution, but want to quickly amortize their equipment costs.
TTP-2410M Pro Series Features:
The ease with which the TTP-2410M Pro Series can be integrated into existing IT-systems is one of its major selling points. The TTP-2410M Pro Series supports a wide range of communication interfaces, including RS-232C, Centronics, USB 2.0 and PS/2 keyboard connectivity, and can connect the Pk-50 to any LAN via its Ethernet port.
The TTP-2410M Pro Series boasts a print speed up to 12 ips. With its combination of speed and durability, the TTP-2410M Pro Series is ideal for mission-critical printing applications – either on-demand or batch.
TTP-2410M Pro Series standard features include 32 MB SDRAM, 8 MB Flash memory and an SD memory card reader for inexpensively adding up to 4 GB of additional Flash storage. It can process labels up to 104 mm wide and supports up to a 600 m long ribbon.
With a resolution of 203 dpi, the TTP-2410M Pro Series can print high-quality standard barcodes, two-dimensional barcodes (e.g. PDF-417), and DataMatrix and QR Codes. The printer also is available in a 300 dpi model (TTP-346M Pro), which operates at speeds up to 8 ips. Also available as a factory option is a 600 dpi model (TTP-644M Pro) which operates at speeds up to 4 ips.
The TTP-2410M Pro Series is packaged with TSC’s powerful TSPL-EZ™ firmware, which supports three printer
languages: TSC printer language, TPLE (Translation Printer Language Eltron®), and TPLZ (Translation Printer
Language Zebra®). TSPL-EZ™ features internal scalable True Type fonts, along with a BASIC interpreter with
file manager for creating powerful printer-interface applications with multiple host types.
Mitsubishi HiTec Paper 採用支援多種格式標籤 的 TSC 印表機提升使用效能
市場: 紙製業 
應用: 大小不同格式的產品識別標籤 
機型: TTP-384M
Mitsubishi HiTec Paper 為生產捲筒包裝的高科技紙張製造商,該公司有領先之技術及生產製程,並以標籤標示辨識產品。捲筒直徑可達 3 公尺,並可按客戶要求訂製。過去需要多種不同的印表機和標籤格式(A3 或以下尺寸)來標示捲筒,既昂貴又無效率。 
Mitsubishi Paper 決定改用更具經濟效益的單一印表機解決方案,以滿足列印多種不同 尺寸的標籤,並搭配自身所產專業熱感紙張,來取代現有的多種印表機。幾經挑選後 ,公司決定採用 TSC 的 TTP-384M 印表機。利用印表機本身內建的 Ethernet 10/100 列 印伺服器傳輸介面及功能強大的的韌體,Mitsubishi 很快就將 TTP-384M 的軟體整合到 其本身的輸出管理系統。TTP-384M 的彈性也有助於 Mitsibushi 從 A3 改為 A4 尺寸的標籤,以配合較小的紙捲。 
• 順利整合到已有的 IT 架構及生產作業
• 不同尺寸的標籤使用單一版面 
• 以更具經濟效益的單一印表機解決方案取代不同格式的印表機 
• 改善條碼品質優化物流程序
TTP-384M 特色: 
TTP-384M 寬幅熱轉/熱感式印表機價格實惠又易於使用,特別適用於符規貼標籤、品 牌行銷、庫存控管標籤、油桶標籤、警告標誌,以及其他多種標示解決方案。 TTP-384M 採用鋁合金鑄造機身並搭載多種標準配備,包括大型 LCD 顯示器、8 MB FLASH、 32 MB SDRAM、SD卡記憶體擴充插槽可擴充記憶體至4 GB 、內建乙太網路 10/100 列印伺服器、USB 2.0 連接埠、Centronics(並列埠)、RS-232C(串列埠)及 PS/2 鍵盤連接。 TTP-384M 的標籤列印寬度可達 241.3 mm(9.5 英吋),最大列印範圍達 219.5 mm (8.6 英吋),解析度可達 300 dpi。TTP-384M 無需旋轉影像,即可列印「寬幅橫向 」式條碼。TTP-384M 的列印技術可支援色帶長度達 600 公尺,標籤卷外徑可達 208.3 mm(8.2 英吋)。 TTP-384M 搭載置中標籤處理機構,可輕鬆裝載並調整耗材。大型 LCD 控制面板方便 管理印表機設定值;內建乙太網路列印伺服器,可方便讓操作人員遠端監控印表機 。 
關於 Mitsubishi HiTec Paper Europe GmbH: 
總部設於德國 Bielefeld 的 Mitsubishi HiTec Paper 是高品質熱感紙、墨水、及無碳紙的全 球製造商。公司前身是 1799 年成立於 Bielefeld 的首家造紙工廠。1999 年,公司被日 商 Mitsubishi Paper Mills Ltd 併購,並於同年更名為 Mitsubishi HiTec Paper Bielefeld GmbH。 2010 年與位於德國 Flensburg 的一家集團合併後,再度改名為 Mitsubishi HiTec Paper Europe GmbH。 近年來,Mitsubishi HiTec Papers 已榮獲全球「最尖端」紙類產品龍頭的美名。特別是其 高科技銅版紙,目前全球透過經銷商網路銷售。
Italian company TRADEX cites superior performance of TSC industrial printers for print-and-apply applications
Automatic application systems for adhesive labels in multiple industries. 
Print-and-apply systems are ideally suited for labeling both primary and secondary packaging. Primary packaging includes cosmetics, pharmaceutical card boxes, fresh- and frozen-food sacks, and chemical and petroleum containers. Secondary packaging includes cartons, boxes and plastic food and confectionery containers. 
TTP-2410M Series 
The Italian company TRADEX, which develops fully automated and semi-automated print-and-apply solutions for its diverse customer base, has been using TSC printers for label sticker, label fly and label touch applications for the past four years, citing the technically superior performance of the TSC brand. 
TRADEX relies on TSC’s TTP-2410M Series robust industrial label printers to handle the following automated applications, even in critical industrial environments: 
Print-and-apply systems: 
A print-and-apply system automatically affixes adhesive product labels printed by a thermal barcode printer, optimizing the efficiency and speed of production lines in which products are transported on a conveyor. 
• Increases value-added on-demand processing of products, while reducing inventory and producing more labels at less cost, in less time and using fewer resources. 
• TSC TTP-2410M Series industrial label printers are ideally configured for factory environments, enabling customers to easily track parts and documentation through the manufacturing process, while reducing errors, increasing productivity and ensuring end-to-end traceability. 
• TSC’s economy-model TTP-246M Plus and TTP-344M Plus printers are ideally suited for small companies and manufacturers that require a high-performance print-and-apply solution, but want to quickly amortize their equipment costs.
Label Sticker: 
A print-and-apply unit mounted on a conveyor (in any applicator orientation) is designed to overprint and apply four-inch-wide adhesive labels. A dispensing blade can be positioned to optimize the application. The unit needs no compressed air and is fast and simple to install, thanks to its lightweight design and compact footprint. Performance to specific requirements is guaranteed, even when there is a product dimension variance up to 30mm and a corner application is required. 
Label Fly: 
Designed for high-speed label applications, the label fly unit uses several label-sticker components, while maintaining identical dimensions and weight. Unlike the label sticker unit, the label fly system features an exclusive electro-mechanical device that enables it to apply labels to products carried on high-speed conveyors running up to 60 meters per minute. 
Label Touch: 
The print-and-apply system is perfectly suited for producing variable data labels, especially in real-time applications involving products whose dimensions vary while stationary or moving. A user interface with a multi-language LCD allows operators to set and control unit cycles. A variable-extension pneumatic piston, along with special position and touch sensors, permits the application of labels to fragile objects. An application plate is designed for the utilization of variable-size labels, requiring no adjustments to other system components. Fast, flexible and robust, the integrated printer-application system applies more than 20 labels per minute with a high level of precision.
TSC TTP-2410M Series Features: 
The ease with which the TTP-2410M Series can be integrated into existing IT-systems is one of its major selling points. The TTP-2410M Series supports a wide range of communication interfaces, including RS-232C, Centronics, USB 2.0 and PS/2 keyboard connectivity, and can connect to any LAN via its Ethernet port. 
The TTP-2410M Series is packaged with TSC’s powerful TSPL-EZ™ firmware, which supports three printer languages: TSC printer language, TPLE (Translation Printer Language Eltron®), and TPLZ (Translation Printer Language Zebra®). TSPL-EZ™ features internal scalable True Type fonts, along with a BASIC interpreter with file manager for creating powerful printer-interface applications with multiple host types. 
About TRADEX: 
TRADEX specializes in the design and production of automated systems for the application of adhesive labels. The company’s extensive product line includes a wide variety of standard products and flexible customized solutions incorporating the latest technological advancements tailored for a broad range of industrial sectors. 
Major tire manufacturer uses TTP-2410M printer to increase efficiency and meet EU regulations
Tire industry 
Label printing for major tire manufacturer in Taiwan 
TTP-2410M thermal transfer label printer
The production of tires is a complex process involving many fabrication steps and a variety of rubber compounds. Rubber compounds are first mixed and then moved to a bead-wire assembly station. The material is then transferred to an extrusion station, where the compounds are processed and later moved to another station to be cured in a press under heat and pressure. 
New EU regulations, which go into effect in November 2012, require tire vendors to provide consumers with information about fuel efficiency, wet grip and noise class in all promotional materials and on a label attached to the tire itself. The regulations govern all light and heavy-duty tires (C1, C2 and C3). 
The tire manufacturer selected TSC’s high-speed TTP-2410M label printer to track materials during the assembly process. With its fast throughput, the TTP-2410M is ideally suited for Just-in-Time production. Operators are able to quickly print tracking labels that are then attached to each item so that it can be clearly identified during the assembly process. To meet the new EU regulations, a label that lists product specifications is printed and attached to each tire during the final stage of production. 
The TTP-2410M quickly and accurately prints and applies labels to tires on the production line, increasing the speed and efficiency of the manufacturing process while meeting the new EU tire-labeling requirements.
TTP-2410M Features: 
TSC’s TTP-2410M die-cast aluminum label printer is designed to meet the most demanding bar-coding and identification requirements, offering more standard features than any comparable printer – at a very affordable price. 
The TTP-2410M boasts a print speed up to 12 ips – the fastest in the TSC product lineup – and the fastest throughput of any printer in its class. With its combination of speed and durability, the TTP-2410M is ideal for mission-critical printing applications – either on-demand or batch. 
TTP-2410M standard features include internal Ethernet, USB 2.0 and PS/2 keyboard connectivity, 32 MB SDRAM, 8 MB Flash memory, and an SD memory-card slot for inexpensively adding up to 4 GB of additional Flash storage. The TTP-2410M supports up to a 600-meter-long ribbon, along with a full 8.2-inch OD media roll. An optional peel-off kit includes an internal rewinder and a label peel-and-present sensor. The unit comes with a 2-year limited warranty. 
Environmental housings from Rose Intech offer cold-temperature protection to TSC printers
Industrial, Logistics, agricultural and foodstuff Environments 
Print & Labeling in rough Environments 
TTP-2410M Pro Series / ME240 Series 
Based in Neu-Anspach, Germany, Rose Intech was in need of high-performance thermal bar code printers that operate in tandem with the protective environmental housings the company often supplies with its auto-identification systems. The specialized housings protect printers from dirt, dust, moisture, cold and heat, and other adverse conditions, particularly those found in the food production and meat-processing industries that Rose Intech targets with its barcode label printers. 
Rose Intech decided to select TSC’s TTP-2410M Pro series and the slightly more compact printers of the ME240 series to use with two of its existing protective housings – LOGIPRINT and ZAG. Both TSC printer series are constructed of heavy-duty aluminum and offer a wide range of high-performance features – all at a very economical price. Rose Intech housings are ideally suited for label printing in the food industry, especially in meat-processing plants where equipment must withstand cold temperatures. The ZAG housing proved to be a perfect match for larger-format TTP-2410M Pro, because of its side-access Monoblock design. The structure of the casings consists of five thermoplastic elements, made from 100 percent recyclable polyethylene. 
To ensure operating temperatures of between +10°C and +20°C in the enclosure, LOGIPRINT offers several internal-heater options – one with a single 150W heater to protect the printer from external temperatures as low as -5°C and a second version with two 150W heaters designed for temperature environments as low as -30°C. The ZAG enclosure offers protection from temperatures as low as -30°C. 
• Trouble-free production of high-quality labels in meat- and food-processing plants and other low-temperature warehouse environments 
• Internal housing temperature remains constant in conditions ranging from -5°C to -30°C, allowing printers to handle any low-temperature application 
• Non-heat-conductive polyethylene shield for prevention of condensation • Protection from dirt, dust, humidity and other potential contaminants 
• Adjustable housing bottom plate accommodates other TSC printer models
TTP-2410M Pro Series Features: 
The TTP-2410M Pro series die-cast aluminum label printer is designed to meet the most demanding barcoding and identification requirements, offering more standard features than any comparable printer – at an affordable price. 
The TTP-2410M Pro series boasts a print speed up to 12 ips. With its combination of speed and durability, TTP-2410M Pro series is ideal for mission-critical printing applications – either on-demand or batch. The standard features include RS-232, Centronics, internal Ethernet, USB 2.0, and PS/2 keyboard connectivity, 32 MB SDRAM, 8 MB Flash memory, and an SD memory card reader for inexpensively adding up to 4 GB of additional Flash storage. 
The TTP-2410M Pro series supports up to a 600 m long ribbon, along with a full 8.2 inch OD media roll. An optional peel-off kit includes an internal rewinder and a label peel-and-present sensor. The unit comes with a two-year limited warranty. 
ME240 Series Features: 
Economically priced, the ME240 series comes in two models (the 203 dpi ME240 and 300 dpi ME340) and offers a selection of options and accessories to further enhance its capabilities to meet the demands of a wide range of printing solutions. Standard features include USB and Serial connectivity, a 2-button 3-LED in the basic model, a 6-button LCD control panel in the advanced model, a Real Time Clock, 8 MB SDRAM memory, 4 MB Flash memory and an SD Flash memory card reader that allows for Flash memory expansion up to 4 GB. 
The ME240 series printer’s unique design features a heavy-duty die-cast aluminum print mechanism, which includes a ribbon handler and print head assembly, and is designed to hold the electronics main board and power supply. This compact assembly is ideal for resellers who want to develop low-cost customized solutions for packaging, product marking and other applications. Options include a full-featured graphical LCD display (for basic model), Ethernet connectivity, USB host, peel-off module, standalone keyboard, cutter module and parallel port that supports legacy installations.
About Rose Intech: 
A family-owned company, Rose Intech supplies automatic-identification bar code systems to the transport, logistics, manufacturing, warehousing and food industries. The company manufactures specialized protective housings for both stationary and camera-based bar code readers. The housings secure bar code printers from unauthorized access, while protecting them from dirt, dust, moisture, cold and heat and other adverse conditions. Rose Intech has been an authorized reseller of TSC Auto ID products since 2011.  
V & K Lagerlogistik-Service selects TSC's industrial printers for printing two-color chemical-product labels
Chemical Industry and dangerous Goods 
Two-color Printing 
TTP-2410M Pro  TTP-268M  TTP-384M 
The European Parliament and Council law passed in 2010 requires companies that produce and distribute chemicals and hazardous substances to label their products with information that meets CLP Regulation (EU) No1272/2008. (For chemical “composites,” the regulation goes into effect June 1, 2015.) Each label must display a hazard pictogram – a black symbol on white, framed by a red-diamond shape. This requires a printer that can produce two-color labels. 
To meet the two-color label requirement, V & K Lagerlogistik-Service GmbH in Gross-Bieberau, Germany, decided to configure in tandem two high-performance TTP-2410M Pro print modules. The two thermal transfer printers are switched in series, with the first one equipped with a black transfer ribbon and the second with a red ribbon. V & K also developed special Windows-based software to control and synchronize the two single printers within the configuration. 
“It was this synchronization, while using standard printer drivers, that was our biggest challenge,” said Manfred Vetter, managing director. “However, we were very successful in this regard with the development of our 2color Print Controller. As a result, we now produce inexpensive two-color labels that meet all the requirements of the EU GHS Regulation.” 
The 2color Print Controller’s user-friendly software is designed to meet the Global Harmonised System (GHS) standard label requirements, while offering flexible design options. The maximum label size depends on the printer hardware used, and the throughput varies based on the label size. The label flow is adjusted to give the “dancer roller” enough space to operate and to maintain the optimal distance between print modules. 
In conformance with the GHS Regulation, hazard warnings and precautionary statements can be inserted as text modules directly from the database. The associated pictograms are generated automatically and are easily retrievable as pictorial elements. Variable data, such as batch number, nominal quantity or best-before date, can be easily accessed and modified even during label printing. When accessing data, the user database communicates directly, via a software interface, with the printing system.
• Optimization of processing and reduction of time and costs 
• Workable, affordable solution 
• Extended label durability 
• High resistance to chemicals and adverse environmental conditions 
TTP-2410M Pro Features: 
TSC’s TTP-2410M Pro die-cast aluminum label printer is designed to meet the most demanding barcoding and identification requirements, offering more standard features than any comparable printer – at a very affordable price. 
The TTP-2410M Pro boasts a print speed up to 12 ips and supports up to a 600 meter long ribbon, along with a full 8.2 inch OD media roll. The printer comes standard with a 32-bit RISC CPU processor; internal Ethernet, Centronics, USB 2.0 and PS/2 keyboard connectivity; 32 MB SDRAM and 8 MB Flash memory; and an SD memory-card reader for inexpensively adding up to 4 GB of additional Flash storage. 
With its combination of speed, durability and easy programmability, the TTP-2410M Pro is ideal for mission-critical printing applications – either on-demand or batch. 
(Note: For horizontal-format labels, TSC’s TTP-268M printer supports print widths up to 168 mm, and the TTP-384M is ideally suited for print widths up to 219.5 mm.)
About V & K Lagerlogistik-Service GmbH: 
V & K Lagerlogistik-Service GmbH was founded in 2000 by Managing Directors Manfred Vetter and Michael Krüger. Initially, the company focused on wireless data-transfer systems and warehouse logistics and control. During the last decade, the firm has expanded its activities, establishing itself as one of Germany’s leading suppliers of label printers, spare parts and supplies, with more than 10,000 printheads sold each year. 
V & K’s main product line now includes an extensive stock of mobile and industrial label printers, wear parts and consumables. The company also offers a wide range of customer services, including technical consulting and implementation, after-sale support, spare parts procurement, and repair and maintenance. 
Dole banana farm chooses TSC TTP-247 to improve weight-measurement efficiency
Food Industry 
Pick and pack processing 
Dole Corporation in Costa Rica was experiencing quality-control issues at its banana-packing facility. Because bananas vary in weight from bundle to bundle, keeping the weight of shipping crates uniform was a constant challenge. Dole needed to ensure that each packaged crate contained enough bananas by weight. Solution: To address the problem, a Costa Rican systems integrator, Roma Representative, developed an integrated solution that combined a weigh scale and TSC TTP-247 thermal transfer desktop printer connected via Ethernet. A worker places an empty container onto the scale and begins packing it with banana bundles. After the case reaches the correct weight, the printer automatically prints a case identification label, and it is sent down the line for final packaging and shipment. If there are any weight discrepancies, the box is transferred to an inspection station. The Ethernet-equipped TSC TTP-247 proved to be a durable, cost-effective label-printing solution for Dole. The small-footprint printer fit easily into cramped spaces on the production line and offered a rugged design that performed reliably and durably, despite tough packing-line conditions. Its large-capacity 300 meter ribbon supply and large 5” OD supply of labels minimized the downtime required to change media. Benefits: • Increased production line efficiency • Improved quality control on the pick/pack line • Minimized downtime when changing ribbons and labels • Easy drop-in media loading due to user-friendly clamshell design MARKET: Food Industry APPLICATION: Pick and pack processing MODEL: TTP-247 TSC AUTO ID TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD. 9F., NO.95, MINQUAN RD., XINDIAN DIST., NEW TAIPEI CITY 231, TAIWAN (R.O.C.) TEL: +886-2-2218-6789 • [email protected] : /// CASE STUDY . www.tscprinters.com TTP-247 Features: The TTP-247 thermal transfer desktop barcode printer delivers more performance for the price than any other printer in its class. The TTP-247 runs at an impressive 7 inches per second, printing images up to 4 inches wide at 203 dpi resolution, and offering 8 MB of SDRAM and 4 MB of onboard Flash memory. Gigabytes of Flash memory can be added via an onboard SD card reader. TTP-247 offers USB 2.0, parallel and serial connectivity, plus an optional Ethernet port for networking. It also incorporates the TSPL-EZ™ printer-control language, which is fully compatible with other TSC printer languages, while supporting TPLE (Translation Printer Language Eltron®) and TPLZ (Translation Printer Language Zebra®). The languages automatically decipher and translate the format of each label as it is sent to the printer. TSPL-EZ™ also features internal scalable True Type fonts (based on the Monotype® font engine), which are typically found only in more expensive printers. TTP-247 features a user-friendly clamshell design for easy drop-in media loading, along with a rugged double-wall design that is stronger and more durable than other thermal transfer mechanisms on the market. Its innovative two-motor gear-driven engine is powerful enough to handle a 300 meter ribbon and label rolls up to 8.4 inches in diameter. About Dole Corporation: Founded in Hawaii in 1851, Dole Food Company, Inc. is the world's largest producer and marketer of high-quality fresh fruit and fresh vegetables, with 2010 revenues of $6.9 billion. Dole markets a growing line of packaged and frozen foods, and is a produce-industry leader in nutrition education and research. The company does business in more than 90 countries and employs worldwide, on average, 36,000 full-time, regular employees and 23,000 full-time seasonal or temporary employees. Representative ROMA, San Jose – Costa Rica Founded in 1978, Representative ROMA is a San Jose, Costa Rica-based distributor, integrator and designer of industrial equipment used in the fields of weighing, packaging, and material-handling processing. TSC AUTO ID TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD. 9F., NO.95, MINQUAN RD., XINDIAN DIST., NEW TAIPEI CITY 231, TAIWAN (R.O.C.) TEL: +886-2-2218-6789 • [email protected] : /// CASE STUDY . www.tscprinters.com Dole banana farm chooses TSC TTP-247 to improve weight-measurement efficiency Background: Dole Corporation in Costa Rica was experiencing quality-control issues at its banana-packing facility. Because bananas vary in weight from bundle to bundle, keeping the weight of shipping crates uniform was a constant challenge. Dole needed to ensure that each packaged crate contained enough bananas by weight. Solution: To address the problem, a Costa Rican systems integrator, Roma Representative, developed an integrated solution that combined a weigh scale and TSC TTP-247 thermal transfer desktop printer connected via Ethernet. A worker places an empty container onto the scale and begins packing it with banana bundles. After the case reaches the correct weight, the printer automatically prints a case identification label, and it is sent down the line for final packaging and shipment. If there are any weight discrepancies, the box is transferred to an inspection station. The Ethernet-equipped TSC TTP-247 proved to be a durable, cost-effective label-printing solution for Dole. The small-footprint printer fit easily into cramped spaces on the production line and offered a rugged design that performed reliably and durably, despite tough packing-line conditions. Its large-capacity 300 meter ribbon supply and large 5” OD supply of labels minimized the downtime required to change media. Benefits: • Increased production line efficiency • Improved quality control on the pick/pack line • Minimized downtime when changing ribbons and labels • Easy drop-in media loading due to user-friendly clamshell design MARKET: Food Industry APPLICATION: Pick and pack processing MODEL: TTP-247 TSC AUTO ID TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD. 9F., NO.95, MINQUAN RD., XINDIAN DIST., NEW TAIPEI CITY 231, TAIWAN (R.O.C.) TEL: +886-2-2218-6789 • [email protected] : /// CASE STUDY . www.tscprinters.com TTP-247 Features: The TTP-247 thermal transfer desktop barcode printer delivers more performance for the price than any other printer in its class. The TTP-247 runs at an impressive 7 inches per second, printing images up to 4 inches wide at 203 dpi resolution, and offering 8 MB of SDRAM and 4 MB of onboard Flash memory. Gigabytes of Flash memory can be added via an onboard SD card reader. TTP-247 offers USB 2.0, parallel and serial connectivity, plus an optional Ethernet port for networking. It also incorporates the TSPL-EZ™ printer-control language, which is fully compatible with other TSC printer languages, while supporting TPLE (Translation Printer Language Eltron®) and TPLZ (Translation Printer Language Zebra®). The languages automatically decipher and translate the format of each label as it is sent to the printer. TSPL-EZ™ also features internal scalable True Type fonts (based on the Monotype® font engine), which are typically found only in more expensive printers. TTP-247 features a user-friendly clamshell design for easy drop-in media loading, along with a rugged double-wall design that is stronger and more durable than other thermal transfer mechanisms on the market. Its innovative two-motor gear-driven engine is powerful enough to handle a 300 meter ribbon and label rolls up to 8.4 inches in diameter. About Dole Corporation: Founded in Hawaii in 1851, Dole Food Company, Inc. is the world's largest producer and marketer of high-quality fresh fruit and fresh vegetables, with 2010 revenues of $6.9 billion. Dole markets a growing line of packaged and frozen foods, and is a produce-industry leader in nutrition education and research. The company does business in more than 90 countries and employs worldwide, on average, 36,000 full-time, regular employees and 23,000 full-time seasonal or temporary employees. Representative ROMA, San Jose – Costa Rica Founded in 1978, Representative ROMA is a San Jose, Costa Rica-based distributor, integrator and designer of industrial equipment used in the fields of weighing, packaging, and material-handling processing. TSC AUTO ID TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD. 9F., NO.95, MINQUAN RD., XINDIAN DIST., NEW TAIPEI CITY 231, TAIWAN (R.O.C.) TEL: +886-2-2218-6789 • [email protected] 
German trousers manufacturer selects TTP-244 Plus, citing flexibility and price-performance advantages
Clothing, Textiles 

Product labeling 

Hinrichs Bekleidungswerk GmbH, a Germany-based clothes manufacturer, was in the market for a barcode label printer that would enable it to economically print clothing labels that are not only durable, but also legible and easily detected and traced throughout the entire supply chain. The labels, made of different materials, included a variety of tracking data including the article ID, shape, size, price, and logo, as well as a distinct, high-resolution barcode. The company was particularly interested in a printer that would be easy to operate and capable of processing different types of labels fast and reliably, without incurring any downtime or costly delays. 
After evaluating a variety of printer options, Hinrichs decided to purchase TSC’s TTP-244 Plus thermal transfer printer for use at its Großefehn factory and its production site in Slovakia. The company was impressed with the printer’s attractive combination of price and performance, ease of handling and quick exchange of media and supplies. Another attractive feature was the TTP-244 Plus’s ability to to accommodate a wide range of label types, including paper, stickers, specially processed surfaces, and composite boards with fanfold media. 
• Trouble-free, reliable printing of various label types 
• Ease of handling 
• Sharpness of print image, label durability and long-term legibility 
• Fast, efficient labeling for optimized production
TTP-244 Plus Features: 
With its inexpensive price, compact footprint and fast processing speeds, TTP-244 Plus is ideally suited for a wide variety of label and tag printing applications – everything from shipping labels to compliance and general purpose product-identification labels and tags. It is ideal for customers looking for a high-quality barcode printer, coupled with low ownership costs. It features a powerful 200 MHz 32-bit RISC processor with 8 MB of SDRAM and 4 MB of FLASH memory. Using an external rewinder, it can accommodate printing ribbon up to 300 meters in length and label rolls with an outer diameter of up to 214 mm (8.4 in). With its dual-gear motor, the TTP-244 Plus can print at speeds of 101.6 mm (4 in) per second, while supporting the largest material and ribbon capacities in its class. In addition, the TTP-244 Plus has three sensors, which ensure that labels, including those with fanfold media, are correctly positioned and printed. 
About Hinrichs Bekleidungswerk GmbH: 
Founded by master tailor Johann Hinrichs in 1954, Hinrichs Bekleidungswerk GmbH, has specialized in the industrial production of men’s and ladies’ trousers since the 1960s. The company manufactures more than a half million trousers annually, an average of nearly 2,500 trousers a day, at its factories. Marketed under the labels “Club of Comfort” and “Club of Comfort woman,” the trousers feature an exclusive stretch material and elastic comfort waistband. They are exported to 31 countries worldwide. 
POINTtech uses TTP-346M Pro to produce upgraded labels for its high-end watch collections
Jewelry & watch-making industries, & trade 
Attractive labeling of high-quality products 
TTP-346M Pro
POINTtech, a manufacturer of high-end German watches, produces about a quarter million product tags annually for its watch collections. The tags are fastened to watches destined for domestic and foreign retail markets and also to private label watches purchased by large trade partners such as Lufthansa. Measuring 35 x 35 mm (1.4 x 1.4 in), the tags are folded in the middle and attached to each watch with a strap. Each label contains the brand logo, price, text and article numbers, and the EAN13 barcode. Until recently, the tags were white, a color that was a poor match for POINTtech’s pilot watch collections, which are predominantly black, gray or brown. POINTtech needed an upscale tag that would enhance its well-established luxury-brand image. 
With the selection of TSC’s powerful TTP-346M Pro, POINTtech can now produce elegant black labels overlaid with matt-white type for its watch collections. In addition to its attractive price-performance point, the TTP-346M Pro is easy to handle, produces labels quickly, and dramatically improves label print quality. By speeding data exchange and simplifying logistics processes, the TTP-346M Pro saves time and reduces costs. In addition, the switchover to the TTP-346M Pro for product labeling has resulted in an improvement in the security and traceability of goods and a reduction in error rates. 
• Attractive labeling of high-quality products 
• Reduction of time, effort, costs and error rate in labeling 
• Faster and more transparent data exchange
TTP-346M Pro Features: 
Offering 300 dpi resolution and print speeds up to 203.2 mm (8 in) per second, the TTP-346M Pro label printer is designed to meet the most demanding bar-coding and identification needs. With its high-resolution print capability and die-cast aluminum design, the TTP-346M Pro is ideal for mission-critical labeling applications – either on-demand or batch. It belongs to the current high-performance TTP-2410M Pro Series, which is based on the same platform as the previous bestseller TTP-2410M. The three printer models available in the series are equipped with an improved motor mounting for quieter printing, a detachable back panel and aluminum base plate, and a new metal media supply spindle. 
The TTP-346M Pro accommodates a ribbon length of up to 600 m (656 yards) and label rolls with an outer diameter of up to 208.3 mm (8.2 in). Standard features include a large 6-key LCD , built-in Ethernet, PS/2 keyboard, and USB 2.0, and parallel and serial interfaces. With 32 MB of SDRAM and 8 MB of FLASH memory, the TTP-346M Pro offers plenty of storage capacity for fonts, international characters and graphics. Optional industrial GPIO and USB host interfaces are available. 
About POINTtech Electronic GmbH: 
Founded in 1988 by watch enthusiast Willi Birk, Ismaning, Germany-based POINTtech Electronic GmbH today manufactures 120,000 high-end men’s and ladies watches annually. Its much celebrated Junkers and Zeppelin series watches symbolize the design craftsmanship of two great aviation pioneers, Hugo Junkers and Ferdinand Graf von Zeppelin. POINTtech also produces high-end private label watches for renowned companies such as Lufthansa, Bosch, Audi, Volkswagen, and Air France, as well as specially crafted watches for the German Federal Armed Forces and NATO. 
Mitsubishi HiTec Paper economizes by using single TSC printer model to produce multiple-format labels
Paper industry 
Product identification using small & large format labeling 
Mitsubishi HiTec Paper produces special high-tech paper using an advanced process in which paper is rolled into large reel spools and manually labeled for product identification. The reel spools often reach a diameter of up to 3 meters and are tailored to customer specifications. In the past, several different printers and label formats (sizes A3 and smaller) were required to label the rolls, a costly and inefficient process. 
Mitsubishi Paper decided to replace its multiple printers with a more economical single-printer solution capable of producing different-size thermal labels using highly specialized thermal paper from the company’s own production line. After evaluating several different printers, the company chose TSC’s TTP-384M. Mitsubishi was able to quickly integrate the TTP-384M’s software with the company’s output management system with the help of the printer’s internal Ethernet 10/100 print server, modern interfaces and powerful firmware. The flexible TTP-384M also made it easy for Mitsibushi to switch from from A3 to smaller A4-size labels to accommodate even smaller paper rolls. 
• Trouble-free integration into existing IT structures and mature production processes 
• Single layout for labels of different sizes 
• Replacement of different format printers with a more economical single-printer solution 
• Optimization of the logistics processes through improved barcode quality
TTP-384M Features: 
Inexpensive and easy to use, the TTP-384M wide-format thermal transfer printer is ideally suited for compliance labeling, brand marketing, inventory control, drum labeling, warning signs and a host of other signage solutions. It features a die-cast aluminum chassis and is packed with standard features, including a large LCD display, 8 MB Flash memory, 32 MB SDRAM, an SD card slot for adding up to 4 GB of additional memory storage, a built-in internal Ethernet 10/100 print server, and USB 2.0, Centronics, RS-232C and PS/2 keyboard connectivity. 
The TTP-384M prints label widths of up to 241.3 mm (9.5 in), with a maximum print area of 219.5 mm (8.6 in) and a resolution of 300 dpi. It also is designed to print wide-lateral bar codes without the need for image rotation. The printing technology supports ribbon lengths of up to 600 m and accommodates a full 208.3 mm (8.2 in) outside-diameter media roll. 
The TTP-384M print assembly handles ribbons up to 600-meters long and features a center-bias label handling mechanism that makes media loading and adjustment easy. A large LCD control panel makes it easy to manage printer settings, while the built-in Ethernet print server enables operators to control and monitor the printer remotely. The TTP-384M comes with a 2-year warranty. 
About Mitsubishi HiTec Paper Europe GmbH: 
Headquartered in Bielefeld, Germany, Mitsubishi HiTec Paper is a global manufacturer of high-quality thermal, inkjet and non-carbon papers. The company’s history goes back to 1799 when it opened its doors as Bielefeld’s first paper factory. In 1999, the company was acquired by the Japanese company Mitsubishi Paper Mills Ltd and later the same year renamed Mitsubishi HiTec Paper Bielefeld GmbH. In 2010, its name was changed to Mitsubishi HiTec Paper Europe GmbH after its merger with an associate company in Flensburg, Germany. 
Through the years, Mitsubishi HiTec Papers has earned a worldwide reputation as a leading supplier of “state of the art” paper products, especially its high-tech coated papers, which are now marketed worldwide through a network of distribution partners.  
German flower pot labeling company uses TSC printers to automate pot and plant labeling
Green Industry 
Labeling of plants & flower pots 
TDP-225W & TTP-2410M Pro 
Comprehensive consumer protection regulations and provisions governing product labeling and traceability have had a negative impact on producers, suppliers and dealers in the Green Industry over the past few years. Faced with the new regulatory burdens and growing market competition, companies have been looking for new ways to more efficiently market their products. 
Until recently, the labeling of flower pots and the printing of wrap-around or hanging labels for perennial plants and woody plants was done by hand, a time-consuming, labor-intensive process. Siegardie, a German company whose product line includes labeling machines specifically designed for plant and flower pot labeling, was able to develop an automated solution that is more efficient and less costly than traditional hand-labeling methods. 
Siegardie now uses TSC’s compact direct thermal printer, the TDP-225W, to create flexible wrap-around plastic labels that can be used to label perennial plants, small trees and roses. The weather-proof, dirt-repellant and tear-proof wrap-around labels contain a gap punch and are calibrated on black mark, so that each label can be printed as required and exactly fits. 
Siegardie also has developed special labeling machines for the automated labeling of flower pots in small and medium quantities. The machines use TSC industrial printer, the TTP-2410M Pro series, to print the labels, which are then pushed onto a special blow box vacuum plate. As each pot passes the blow box, a blast of compressed air is used to apply the self-adhesive label. The TTP-2410M Pro is fitted with a programmable interface card and external rollers. It offers plenty of performance at a very attractive price, making it a very affordable automated labeling solution for Siegardie. 
• Automation of production processes 
• Affordable printing of wrap-around barcode labels 
• Time and cost savings
TDP-225W Features: 
The TDP-225W direct thermal printer is ideally suited for the printing of wristbands and wrap-around labels. The printer, which can be wall-mounted, comes with an LCD printer-status display, prints at up to 127 mm (5 inches) per second and offers USB 2.0 and Ethernet connectivity. 
Unlike other direct thermal printers, the TDP-225W is extremely compact and features a center-biased media holder that supports the 6.5-inch outer-diameter wristband rolls commonly sold by major wristband manufacturers. 
The TDP-225W can be optionally configured to print wristbands and wrap-around labels in the event of a computer failure by retrieving its stored wristband printing program and entering and printing the information from a PC keyboard. 
TTP-2410M Pro Features: 
With its durable aluminum construction and many high-performance features, the TTP-2410M Pro is ideally configured for the production of labels in small-to-medium quantities. The printer features a separate die-cast aluminium base plate and backplane that includes a metal media supply spindle and sturdy two roller damper, making it extremely durable, a requirement for heavy-duty demand cycles. 
Other enhancements include a new motor mount for quieter printing, a gap sensor lock to keep the label sensor from shifting, and a new anti-static ribbon brush. TSC also has added an optional USB host option for applications that require the use of either a USB scanner or keyboard. The 
TTP-2410M Pro supports ribbon lengths of up to 600 m and label rolls with an outer diameter of up to 208.3 mm (8.2 in). Standard features include a storage capacity of up to 32 MB of SDRAM and 8 MB of Flash memory, a large 6-key LCD display, built-in Ethernet, a PS/2 keyboard interface, and USB 2.0, parallel and serial interfaces.
About Siegardie: 
Siegardie® Udo Siedlaczek Lohnarbeiten für den Gartenbau (contract work for gardening) is one of the leading companies specializing in the automated production of flower pot labels. Founded in January 2001, the company was initially the commercial branch of a horticultural farm owned by Udo Siedlaczek since August 1998. With the development of its patented labeling machine, Siedlaczek finally had the technology to label plastic flower pots quickly and economically, regardless of the pot size or run quantity. In addition to supplying the Green Industry, Siegardie also provides other industries with labels, printers, accessories and consumables. 
Ohio-based label manufacturer chooses TSC printers for service bureau print shops and product identification
Label converting and service bureau print shops 
Product marking and small print jobs 
TDP-247 & TTP-2410M Pro
Based in Brunswick, Ohio, with four manufacturing locations throughout the United States, I.D. Images, LLC is a manufacturer of converted label media, specializing in the supply of label solutions to a wide variety of markets, including transport and logistics, food and beverage, consumer durables and healthcare. Until recently, all of the company’s box and core labels were printed in a central location and taken to individual presses by a material handler. This process was often cumbersome and sometimes resulted in errors when incorrect labels were taken to a press. 
Within the next few months, all of the presses at all four of ID Images’ manufacturing locations will use two TDP-247 printers each to print box and core labels. The use of the printers on location will save time on the production floor. Now each press operator scans the barcode on the work order and prints the labels for the press jobs in real time. There’s no waiting for labels and less chance of error. 
• Increased efficiency 
• Increased accuracy with labels and outer box marking 
• Reduced error rate 
• Reduced downtime 
TDP-247 Features: 
The TDP-247 direct thermal clamshell printer features a durable design and best-in-class print speed. It’s superior printhead and rugged construction - hallmarks of TSC desktop printer design - offer top-of-the-line performance. The TDP-247 is ideally suited for product marking, shipping, retail and other labeling applications. 
Because of their compact design, the TDP-247 series printers are the perfect match for a variety of applications, fitting easily into cramped work spaces that are often too small for larger printers. Both models feature a user-friendly clamshell design that allows users to simply open the cover and drop labels into a center-biased storage bay. Top-of-form sensing by gap, black mark, or notch is standard and completely adjustable from side to side. 
In addition, ID Images recently began installing TSC’s TTP-2410M Pro printers in its main service bureau located in its Brunswick, Ohio facility. The company uses the printers to print short label runs for a wide variety of customers. Tom Parsons, who runs ID Images’ service bureau printer lab, is absolutely thrilled with the TSC printers’ performance and ease of use. 
"I have used some of the big-name label printers, and nothing compares to the dependability and user-friendliness of TSC printers. My advice is, ‘Forget the rest and use the best,’" he said.
TTP-2410M Pro Features: 
Based on the proven TTP-2410M platform, the new high-speed TTP-2410M Pro offers numerous improvements designed to increase functionality and durability. The new printer is equipped with a 32-bit RISC processor and offers storage capacities of 8 MB FLASH and 32 MB SDRAM. It supports thermal transfer ribbons up to 600 meters and features serial and parallel interfaces, as well as integrated Ethernet. With its separate die-cast aluminum base plate and backplane, which includes a metal media supply spindle and sturdy two-roller damper, the TTP-2410M Pro is perfectly suited for ultra-heavy-duty demand cycles. 
Other enhancements include a new motor mount for quieter printing, a gap sensor lock to keep the label sensor from shifting, and a new anti-static ribbon brush. Finally, TSC has added an optional USB host option for applications that require the use of either a USB scanner or keyboard. 
About ID Images: 
Based in Brunswick, Ohio, I.D. Images, LLC is a manufacturer of converted label media for the Variable Information Printing market. The company provides label solutions for a wide range of markets, including transport and logistics, food and beverage, consumer durables and healthcare. Its constantly expanding product offering ranges from thermal labels, printers and ribbons to laser labels, integrated labels and cards on various substrates, including papers and films. In addition, ID Images offers significant custom- label capabilities, including spot and digital printing, multi-web laminations and special die-cutting. 
I.D. Images sells exclusively through a network of distributors, with a primary focus on packaging distributors, value-added resellers and other label converters. They have locations in Brunswick and Cincinnati, Ohio, Lyons, Ill. and Charlotte, N.C. 
Read-after-print, 2D Codes combined for the first time
Industrial production processes 
Read-after-print label verification for product marking 
TTP-2410M Pro
During industrial processes, especially those in automotive and electronic manufacturing and other mass-production industries, the faulty labeling of products and components can have disastrous consequences. The increased use of high-information-content 2D codes (e.g. DataMatrix) has made label accuracy even more critical. In order to minimize expenses and costs, it is imperative to detect faulty labels at the beginning of the marking process. The simplest way to validate label accuracy is via a method called "read after print." With this technology, a linear barcode can be tested for readability, by means of a scanner, immediately after label printing. 
Barcodat GmbH, an authorized TSC reseller specializing in automatic data-collection systems, has for the first time succeeded in using a barcode scanner combined with TSC’s new TTP-2410M Pro industrial printer to print and automatically validate the accuracy of both 2D and linear barcode labels. 
During label printout, a stationary area imager at the front of the printer automatically reads the barcode (no manual intervention required). If the barcode is faulty, optical and pre-programmed acoustic warning alerts are generated, and the system automatically shuts down. After the problem is diagnosed and fixed, the system can be rebooted. The already-integrated software is completely compatible with the barcode scanner, making it easy to program the entire system. Power supply and data transfer take place via the printer’s RS-232C interface, which can also be used for standalone operations, thanks to an optional USB host. 
Customers now benefit, without restrictions, from a read-after-print test method that can detect faulty labels – linear or two-dimensional barcodes–to minimize expenses and costs during the product marking process. (Please note that read-after-print is purely a performance check and does not involve a quality check of the barcode).
• Increased efficiency 
• Reduction of error rate 
• Enhanced process security 
• Savings in label stock, thermal transfer ribbons and time
TTP-2410M Pro Features: 
Based on the proven TTP-2410M platform, the new high-speed TTP-2410M Pro offers numerous improvements designed to increase functionality and durability. The new printer is equipped with a 32-bit RISC processor and offers storage capacities of 8 MB FLASH and 32 MB SDRAM. It supports thermal transfer ribbons up to 600 meters and features serial and parallel interfaces as well as integrated Ethernet. With its separate die-cast aluminum base plate and backplane, which includes a metal media supply spindle and sturdy two roller damper, the TTP-2410M Pro is perfectly suited for ultra-heavy-duty demand cycles. 
Other enhancements include a new motor mount for quieter printing, a gap sensor lock to keep the label sensor from shifting, and a new anti-static ribbon brush. Finally, TSC has added an optional USB host option for applications that require the use of either a USB scanner or keyboard. 
About Barcodat GmbH: 
Founded in 1986, Dornstetten, Germany-based Barcodat GmbH is a pioneer in the development of automatic data-collection systems, including barcode scanners, barcode label printers and wireless auto-ID products. A long-time TSC partner, the company and its team of experts offer customized solutions across the entire supply chain – from warehouse logistics to RFID and DPM.  
German tool manufacturer improves product labeling with TTP-2410M Pro
Industry, tool and machine construction 
Tool-identification labels 
TTP-2410M Pro
Ingolstadt, Germany-based alki TECHNIK needed a reliable industrial-printing solution to design and produce a variety of identification labels for its diverse line of alkitronic industrial bolting tools. The 80 x 30 mm labels needed to clearly display product type, serial number, year of manufacture, CE marking, TÜV and other company data and technical details. Label durability was a major concern. alki TECHNIK wanted a wear-resistant label that would be legible for the lifecycle of the product. In addition, the company wanted to create a slick, eye-catching label design that would underscore the quality reputation of the alkitronic brand. 
After carefully evaluating various printer models, alki TECHNIK eventually chose TSC’s TTP-2410M Pro thermal transfer printer. The company was attracted by its many standard features and its Windows-based professional labeling software, which makes it easy to design and manage a wide variety of label layouts. The printer also can be connected quickly to an external database to access advanced server functions. 
Plant Manager Ulrich Kipfelsberger was quick to praise the TTP-2410M Pro. “After a brief introduction to the printer, our IT-designer was able to revise and adapt more than 50 different label layouts, without any problems. We’ve seen a noticeable improvement in our label-marking process, simplification of data exchange and more transparency in the supply chain,” he said. 
• Reliable product marking 
• Improved tool identification 
• Long-lasting wear-resistant labels 
• Attractive label design resulting in enhanced brand recognition 
TTP-2410M Pro Features: 
TTP-2410M Pro printers are loaded with standard features, including support for 600 meter ribbons, 8.2-inch OD media rolls, a large 6-button LCD display, built-in Ethernet, a PS/2 keyboard interface, and USB 2.0, parallel and serial interfaces. An industry-standard GPIO port or a USB host port is available as an option. The TTP-2410M Pro is ideal for heavy-duty demand cycles, featuring a separate die-cast aluminum base plate and backplane that includes a metal media supply spindle and sturdy two-roller damper. 
The TTP-2410M Pro offers plenty of memory, including 32 MB DRAM and 8 MB FLASH, which provides easy storage of fonts, international character sets and graphics. The printer also includes a secure digital (SD) FLASH memory card reader for inexpensively adding up to 4 GB of memory. The TTP-2410M Pro supports multiple printer languages via its powerful TSPL-EZ™ firmware and features a generous two-year warranty, one of the best in the industry. 
About alki TECHNIK GmbH: 
Since the early 1980s, alki TECHNIK GmbH in Germany has successfully developed and produced specialized bolting equipment for professional use in a wide variety of industries, including power and chemical plants, mining, steel construction and heavy machine construction. In recent years, the company has expanded its distribution into environmental fields such as wind and wave energy. 
Sold under the alkitronic brand, alki TECHNIK products include electric, pneumatic and manual torque multipliers, hydraulic square drivers and cassette tooling. Known for their precision and reliability, alkitronic products have earned a worldwide reputation for quality. 
A family-run business, alki TECHNIK GmbH is headquartered in Ingolstadt, Germany, home to its development, assembly, administration, distribution and service departments. The company provides onsite support through a worldwide network of sales offices and trading partners in 40 countries.  
Dalektron creates online - print & apply system using TSC TTP-2410M Pro industrial label printer
Food industry Manufacturing Cosmetics Logistics 
Low-cost Print & Apply System – LCA-3500 
TTP-2410M Pro
Small- and medium-size companies frequently run into problems when labelling and identifying packages, boxes, sacks and paper bags containing fresh meat, fruit, and vegetables or non-perishable foodstuffs such as noodles, mushrooms and sausages. Packaging labels are often printed and manually applied, a time-consuming, costly and error-prone process. To alleviate the problems, companies have been investing in industrial barcode printers that are designed to produce high-quality labels quickly and affordably. The encrypted label data is electronically readable with barcode scanners during transport, delivery and storage. 
Dalektron GmbH, a long-time TSC Auto ID Technology EMEA partner and distributor, has created a low-cost print-and-apply system that uses TSC’s high-performance TTP-2410M Pro industrial label printer and a general purpose I/O (GPIO) expansion board, coupled with the LCA-3500 print-and-apply system. This innovative solution is used in food and manufacturing industry, the cosmetics and logistics, and supports a wide range of label sizes and types, including round, rectangle, butterfly and sealing labels. 
The adjustable-speed LCA-3500 is designed for half or fully automatic operations and can be integrated easily into any production line. Its standard applicator is equipped with a 200 dpi printhead, with 300 dpi and 600 dpi resolution printheads available as options. The LCA-3500 can be used in top-down, bottom-up or side positions, making it ideal for a wide range of print-and-apply applications. Its pneumatic vacuum plate, which is used for the reception of labels, can accommodate various product heights. The LCA-3500 supports USB, Ethernet, serial and parallel interfaces. 
• Fast and affordable labeling solution 
• High-quality error-free labels 
• All information available in real time 
• Process transparency and product traceability
TTP-2410M Pro Features: 
The TTP-2410M Pro industrial label printer is designed to meet the most demanding barcoding and auto-ID requirements, offering more standard features than any comparable printer – at a very affordable price. 
The TTP-2410M Pro boasts a print speed up to 12 ips. Its heavy duty die-cast aluminum design offers users a robust, dependable platform that can withstand the harshest workplace environments. With its combination of speed and durability, the TTP-2410M Pro is ideal for mission-critical printing applications – either on-demand or batch. 
The TTP-2410M Pro supports up to a 600 m long ribbon, along with a full 8.2 inch OD media roll. An optional peel-off kit includes an internal rewinder and a label peel-and-present sensor. Standard features include internal Ethernet, USB 2.0 and PS/2 keyboard connectivity, 32 MB SDRAM, 8 MB Flash memory, and an SD memory card reader for inexpensively adding up to 4 GB of additional Flash storage. 
About Dalektron GmbH: 
Located in Dreieich (near Frankfurt), Germany Dalektron GmbH opened for business 30 years ago and was one of the first German companies to distribute label printers using direct-thermal and thermal-transfer technology. 
After the introduction of EAN barcodes in Germany, Dalektron began marketing and selling barcode scanners. The company now designs and manufactures customized labeling systems, barcode scanners and other devices, while stocking and reselling a variety of barcode label printers from TSC. 
TTP-286MT 系列
寬幅標籤列印 超值機種 彩色觸控螢幕 震撼登場
Серия TTP-286MT
Serie TTP-286MT
Serie TTP-286MT
TTP-286MT Series
TTP-286MT Serie
TTP-286MT 系列
工业型 热感式/热转式 条形码打印机
TTP286MT シリーズ
Série TTP-286MT
Serie TTP-2610MT
TTP-2610MT Serie
Série TTP-2610MT
Серия TTP-2610MT
TTP-2610MT Series
TTP-2610MT シリーズ
TTP-2610MT 系列
TTP-2610MT 系列
工业型 热感式/热转式 条形码打印机
Серия TTP-2410MT
TTP-2410MT 系列
Serie TTP-2410MT
TTP-2410MT Series
TTP-2410MT シリーズ
Série TTP-2410MT
TTP-2410MT Serie
TTP-2410MT 系列
工业型 热感式/热转式 条形码打印机
MX240P 系列
工业型 热感式/热转式 条形码打印机
Серия MX240P
MX240P Serie
MX240P シリーズ
Serie MX240P
MX240P 系列
MX240P Series
Durable, Fast, High-Volume, Heavy-Duty Label Printing
MX240P 系列
堅韌耐用 強效達成列印任務
Série MX240P